
Founders Fulfillment Freedom+OTO – Mike Shreeve

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Founders Fulfillment Freedom – How To Create World-Class, Premium Offers That Get Results For Clients… Without You!

In this course, Mike Shreeve will show you exactly how he has designed and created multiple premium offers ($6,000 – $65,000 in price) that run without any input from him.

Inside Founders Fulfillment Freedom, we’ll cover:

  • Why getting yourself out of day-to-day fulfillment is actually better for your customers and clients (and how it gets better results for them too)…
  • Remove yourself completely vs. only doing work in your zone of genius… I’ll show you both strategies and why you might not actually want to remove yourself 100% (especially if you love what you do)…
  • The biggest risk to your offers today and why you might accidentally be killing your sales by holding on too tight to fulfilling everything yourself…
  • How your subconscious is secretly keeping you from scaling your business as long as you’re stuck in the day-to-day…
  • Why getting out of fulfillment so you can stick your toes in the sand and ride off into the sunset might actually be selling yourself and your business short… and how one simple mindset shift allowed me to get MORE enjoyment out of life and business… while adding millions to my bottom line…
  • How to better understand your actual roles and responsibilities as a business owner in the Help Industry and how that can free you to stop feeling guilty about exiting the day-to-day and letting clients get results themselves without you (this breakthrough alone is worth the price of the program)…
  • Hate your current clients? I’ll show you how to design offers that attract better clients BECAUSE you’ll be removed from fulfillment…
  • What to do first once you’ve removed yourself from the day-to-day that instantly makes your offers better, easier to sell, and will turn you into the #1 go-to in your niche… (this is key if you want long term business growth)
  • How refocusing your energy on just one thing can completely free you from having to be solely responsible for getting results for your customers or clients…
  • Owning an asset vs. owning a job: one of these is much, much more risky than the other… and I’ll show you how to avoid putting too much time, energy, and effort into the wrong one…
  • How I’ve compiled my entire work commitment to Peaceful Profits to just 2 half days per week…
  • How (and why) to get others to innovate, improve, and invent in your business for you and without you… (aka: how to get other people to keep your business growing and making money without you having to stress about it all the time)
  • What the basic function of an offer is supposed to be in your business and why getting this wrong means you’ll be stuck in fulfillment forever…
  • How to use better offers to make marketing way, way, way easier…
  • The #1 thing missing in most offers which keep owners stuck and unable to scale… (it’s the same reason clients don’t get good results)
  • How to avoid the “access to the guru” trap and how to sell offers that don’t involve you to people who really just want to work with you personally… (this is key for getting out of the guru business and building something long term)
  • Why your current offer is attracting such needy clients and how to change it…
  • How I get other people to create new offers to sell without involving me at all…
  • Where 50% of the success of any offer comes from… and why you’ll fail without it… (HINT: Most internet marketers have no idea this even exists and is so critical to client success)
  • How to design an offer that gets clients and customers to take responsibility themselves instead of passing the blame on to you all the time…
  • The one thing you must do to get off the content & offer making treadmill and still have the ability to make new offers, deliver new products, and make sales… (this is how you transition from job owner to business owner)
  • How to overcome the uncomfortable feeling of “letting go” so you can get out of the way and let your business grow without you…
  • 4 signs that you (and your offer) have what it takes to run a business without you…
  • “If you want something done the right way, you have to do it yourself.” WRONG! And I’ll show you why…
  • The 80% rule that will set you free and allow you to exit the day-to-day faster than you think…
  • How I replaced myself as a solo-coach AND how doing so meant my clients got a much, much, much better experience (and results)…
  • What will really happen to your P&L when you work yourself out of the day-to-day… stop guessing and speculating, I’ll show you exactly what happens and what’s real when it comes to finances and removing yourself…
  • Why constantly trying to maximize margin is probably why you’re stuck in the day-to-day and what to do instead to create more profit in your business…
  • The harsh reality of working yourself out of the day-to-day – no holds barred, I reveal all the stuff other gurus hide from the public eye…
  • Simple reporting system so you always know what’s going on in your business without you having to micro-manage everything to death… (this is key to being able to take time off without secretly thinking about your business the whole time or checking your email every 10 minutes)
  • An exercise that takes 1 – 2 hours a day that will keep cash flow flowing no matter what kind of marketing you end up doing…
  • Any more..
Name of Course: Mike Shreeve – Founders Fulfillment Freedom+OTO
Author Price: $1095
Sale Page: _
Release Date: 2023
File Size: 9.04 GB
Delivery Method: Free Download (cloud drive)
Content: Video, Pdfs

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