Justin Borge – Turning Searches Into Traffic

Turning Searches Into Traffic

Turning Searches Into Traffic – A course on Keyword Research and Content Strategy. Take our process and use it for yourself, use it for your business and your clients.

Turning Searches Into Traffic Overview

Start Here

  • Intro to Course
  • How to Get Help & Make Requests

Getting Set Up 

We walk you through setting up the exact template we use for our paying clients, then give you a tour of how to use Ahrefs, the main tool we’ll be focusing on throughout the rest of the course.

  • Installing Our Google Sheets Template
  • A Note on Free Trials
  • Ahrefs Keyword Research Overview

Identifying Your True Competitors

The first step in completing your spreadsheet is to identify the *right* competitors to analyze. We never skip these three methods.

  • Ask Your Client Directly (using these questions)
  • Use Sparktoro to Find Sites Your Audience Trusts
  • Use Ahrefs to Find Competing Domains


Course Overview

Name of Course:   Justin Borge – Turning Searches Into Traffic
Author Price:  $499
Sale Page:   n/a
Release Date:  2022
File Size:   1.4 GB
Delivery Method:  Free Download (cloud drive)
Content:  Video, Pdfs

Download Via Nitroflare


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